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Playground Etiquette For Children With Autism In Toronto

There has always been the ‘Law of the Playground’ to contend with amongst children playing in a fixed setting. They operate under their own set of rules that are not always immediately apparent, and can shift abruptly depending on whether there are adults present or…

Monarch House

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Ten Family Activities for Children with Autism in Toronto

Families of children with autism in Toronto don’t need to look far to find sensory-friendly experiences for bonding that are enjoyable for everyone involved. It’s a win-win: engaging in inclusive activities strengthen family connections and are essential for a child’s development.  Here are ten family-friendly…

Monarch House

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Eight Public Transit Tips For Kids With Autism - Toronto Edition

Navigating Toronto’s public transit with children can be a challenge in its own right, and for parents of children with autism, it there’s a whole separate set of considerations. The sensory-heavy and unpredictable bustle of Toronto’s public transportation system can be overwhelming for neurodivergent children.…

Monarch House

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Ten Myths and Facts About Children With Autism In Mississauga

Parents of children with autism in Mississauga often need to clear up some misconceptions about neurodiversity to friends and family (as well as their child’s teachers). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neuro-developmental condition, that comes with its own set of myths. To facilitate…

Monarch House



34252 Marshall Road
Suite 4
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 1L9


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