Autism Therapy in Burlington, Ontario


At Monarch House, we offer the following types of autism therapy in Burlington: behavioural therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, and speech therapy. Beyond sessions, we also provide a range of other autism services in Burlington including resources for families seeking autism assessments for their children including a no-cost diagnostic exam for developmental disorders. 


Let’s go into some detail about the types of autism therapies we offer. 




Psychotherapy for neurodivergent children focuses on the distinct emotional and behavioural challenges children with autism encounter. At Monarch House, no two sessions are the same. Our professional psychotherapists tailor programs custom-fit to your child’s individual needs. We make use of social stories, visual aids, and we try on a little role-playing to make the concepts more accessible to your child. Often psychotherapy for autistic children in Burlington includes techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This proven methodology has been shown to help children manage anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties. At Monarch House, our goal is to improve your child’s emotional regulation, social skills, and overall mental well-being. 


Speech Therapy


Speech therapy for children with autism is a crucial intervention. Many neurodivergent children experience challenges with both verbal and non-verbal communication, which can affect their ability to communicate, express wants and needs, understand others (even their parents), and interact socially. Speech therapy helps your child with autism develop essential communication skills. At Monarch House, our professional speech therapists work with your child to improve their speech clarity, expand their vocabulary, and enhance their understanding of language. We also focus on non-verbal communication methods, such as gestures or using communication devices, to ensure that children can express themselves effectively. By fine-tuning speech therapy to your child’s unique needs, our speech therapy sessions can significantly improve their ability to communicate and connect with others (including you). 


Occupational Therapy 


At Monarch House we aim to create a supportive and structured environment for your child with autism. Our professional occupational therapists work in-house to help them build the confidence and skills needed to navigate the complexities of daily life. Occupational therapy for children with autism is a vital intervention designed to address academic, social, and recreational tasks. In general, we often address routines that need to be developed to navigate daily living tasks. Our occupational therapists focus on various sensory sensitivities, tasks that foster independence, and improving communication skills. Overall, its goal is to enhance neurodivergent children’s ability to perform the everyday activities that we sometimes take for granted. Through custom-tailored strategies, our occupational therapists work on building fine and gross motor skills, self-care routines, and social interaction. We strive towards making your child with autism in Burlington as independent as possible, ideally promoting their overall well-being and development.


Behavioural Therapy 


Behavioural therapy for children with autism is a widely recognized approach that focuses on improving specific behaviours and skills through structured techniques. At Monarch House we make use of positive reinforcement models for children with autism to encourage desirable behaviours and reduce harmful or disruptive ones. Behavioural therapy in Burlington is tailored to each child’s unique needs, with goals ranging from enhancing communication and social interactions to reducing repetitive behaviours. Our professional behavioural therapists utilize practice and reinforcement methodologies to  significantly improve your child’s ability to function in everyday situations. This ultimately will help them to develop essential life skills and, eventually, gain their independence.


Note: It’s not always only the child that needs our services. Autism therapy can also provide valuable support for families, including siblings, grandparents, and even you. At Monarch House, we help all the parties involved in raising a child with autism. The right therapy can help everyone understand and manage your child’s behaviours more effectively.


If you feel that your child could benefit from autism therapy in Burlington, bring them to Monarch House and our multidisciplinary team of professionals will ensure that they get the best autism services available.