Ten Ways To Build Emotional Resilience In Parents Of Children With Autism


We’ve written a considerable amount about how Monarch House can help children with autism in Toronto. However, there hasn’t been as much focus on what it is like to be a parent of a child with neurodivergence. You need attention too. Parenting a child with autism is not easy. It comes with a long list of particular challenges (and joys). Navigating these experiences requires considerable emotional resilience. This is something that we teach at Monarch House at our parent coaching sessions. Emotional resilience enables parents to adapt to change, manage stress, and remain hopeful. It’s essential. Bolstering your resilience is key to your well-being, happiness, and ability to create a supportive environment for your child. 

Here are ten helpful ways to build emotional resilience in the parents of children with autism in Toronto.


1. Cultivating A Support System

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You have a lot on your plate, so don’t be shy to reach out to others for an extra hand now and again, even if it’s just for advice. Work on building a reliable network of friends and family. Join some support groups. Take the time to share your experiences (which in turn can help others too). Bit by bit, create a foundation of people that can understand your journey. Down the road, they can help to provide emotional relief and practical advice, and you can too, creating a sense of community.


2. Setting Realistic Expectations

At our parent coaching sessions, one of the things you might take away is the idea of “going with the flow.” It’s important to put things in perspective and to not take your situation, or yourself, too seriously. It won’t be easy, but if you can, add a little levity to your day. There are fun moments too, so try to relax and enjoy the ride. Yes, there will be setbacks. And that’s okay. We encourage parents to recognize that progress is often non-linear and sometimes things unfold just the way they were supposed to (in retrospect). Part of our parent coaching is helping you learn how to manage expectations to reduce frustration. Instead, focus on the long-term goals and as best as you can and keep your eye on the prize—you’re raising a special little human being, and everything is going to be okay in the end. 


2. Developing A Routine

Tasks and chores seem to complete themselves when you fall into a consistent routine. By turning them into a structured daily ritual you create a pattern of predictability. Knowing what is going to happen, and when, goes a long way towards reducing stress for both parents and children. Be sure to make time for self-care in your daily routine. Family activities, exercise, and quiet moments help to create balance and nurture emotional stability.


4. Engaging In Self-Care

When you are busy taking care of someone else, it’s easy to forget about yourself. Don’t do that. Be sure to give your own mind, body, and health its share of attention and maintenance. Carve out time in the day for regular exercise, adequate sleep and a balanced diet. Being fit will strengthen your ability to cope with stress. Take care of your mind as well. Look for hobbies that offer moments of relaxation and provide necessary breaks from your caregiving responsibilities.


5. Practicing Self-Compassion

Beating yourself up is one of the most counter-productive and unhealthy things you can do. Sometimes the best approach is to relax, and let go of the things you cannot control. Parents of children with autism often place high expectations on themselves, leading to guilt or self-doubt. At Monarch House, we help parents like you learn how to treat themselves with the same understanding, empathy, and kindness that they would offer a friend in a similar situation.


6. Understanding And Accepting Emotions

Our parent coaching sessions can be a complete gamechanger for caretakers and parents of children with autism. One of the things we do is to encourage parents to acknowledge their feelings without judgment. Whether it’s sadness, frustration, or guilt, our professional therapists help you to normalize these emotions. Parents often find that this enables them to process and manage their experiences more effectively. At our clinics, we also encourage journaling or prioritizing self care, such as making the time to speak with a trusted person in your life. Opening up like this can be very beneficial and therapeutic. 


7. Seeking Knowledge

Knowing is half the battle. Surround yourself in as much literature as you can find. Learn what you can from likeminded parents at our support groups. Talk to experts. At Monarch House, we are here for you. Our aim is to help and inform parents as well as their children. Absorb as much as you can. Educating yourself about autism, including therapies, interventions, and advocacy strategies, can be empowering. With increased knowledge you will gain more confidence in what the best approach is with your child. This will help to reduce some of the uncertainty that you may have and provide you with some practical tools for addressing challenges.


8. Focusing On Strengths And Progress

Kids love stickers and snacks, so we suggest that you keep a cupboard full for proud parenting moments. Screen time, or a nice trip somewhere together, are also popular methods to reinforce your child’s good behaviour. At Monarch House, we can help you learn how to recognize and reward positive behaviour as a parenting tactic. In our experience, this technique helps to prevent an enormous amount of aggravation and tension down the road. Positive reinforcement is how we do everything at the clinic. At parent coaching, we will show you how to effectively celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small. Shifting focus from struggles to strengths fosters positivity and helps them see the value of their efforts, reinforcing their resilience.


9. Learning Stress-Reduction Techniques

You would be surprised at how much good a little stretching can do. Even a few quiet moments to yourself in the morning can make a world of difference in how balanced you feel throughout the day. As a parent, we encourage you to learn some practical stress-management tools such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. Doing this regularly can significantly enhance your emotional resilience. One of the things that we address in our parent coaching is that, if possible, you should dedicate a few minutes each day to calming practices to help you stay grounded.


10. Seeking Professional Support

Professional support is why we are here. We can provide personalized, in-depth, holistic counseling and therapy for adults as well as children. Ask us about our parenting coaching sessions. Here, we provide parents with strategies to manage stress and emotions effectively. Additionally, look into respite care services. These can offer opportunities for parents like you to recharge. Our goal is to enable you to support your child with renewed energy.


You might feel overwhelmed at first. Having all the added responsibilities that accompany a child with autism can cause stress, tension, and even marital strain. At Monarch House we have a professional, interdisciplinary staff of occupational therapists, behavioural therapists, psychotherapists, and speech pathologists that are here to help parents as well. At our parent coaching sessions we work on ways to mitigate your stress. It won’t happen overnight, but embrace the process and you’ll find yourself more at ease as time goes on. Building emotional resilience is an ongoing process that equips parents to handle the highs and lows of raising a child with autism in Toronto. By taking these strategies to heart, you can face your challenges head-on, manage stress more effectively, and maintain a positive outlook. It has been shown that resilient parents are not only stronger themselves but also better equipped to support their children, manage depression, and foster an environment where the entire family can thrive.