Eight Ways To Help Your Child With Autism Toronto Eat A Healthy Diet


What we put into our bodies makes an enormous influence on both our mental and physical health. The diet that we feed our children has a particular impact because they usually don’t have the means to feed themselves nutritious food. When it comes to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), special diets have gained attention as a potential intervention for managing symptoms. While research is ongoing, many parents report noticeable changes in behaviour and health when implementing specific dietary strategies. 


Here are eight ways that special diets can have a positive effect on children with autism Toronto.


  1. Improved Attention and Focus


Focus has been proven to be linked to diet. Parents and caregivers find increased attention and focus in children with autism aftercertain dietary adjustments, such as reducing sugar and artificial additives are in place. At Monarch House, we often note that after eliminating processed foods, we find that children exhibit improved concentration and engagement in activities. These moments of calm attention can enhance learning and social interactions.


  1. Reduction In Gastrointestinal Issues


Do you find that your child gets a lot of tummy aches? Gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, are a common experience amongst many children with autism. Healthy food choices for children with autism have been found to alleviate these symptoms. Look into allergy testing with a specialist. Improved gut health can positively affect behaviour and can lead to better overall well-being.


  1. Decreased Aggression And Meltdowns


Your child will run on more of an even keel with a regular, healthy diet. You may find that dietary changes can sometimes lead to a reduction in aggressive behaviour. The right healthy foods can help with emotional regulation for children with autism as well. It’s not uncommon to see things like eliminating specific food triggers—like foods high in sugar or artificial colours (soda pop for instance)—results in a calmer child with fewer behavioural outbursts.


  1. Enhanced Sleep Quality


Many families face sleep difficulties in children with autism. One of the best ways to curtail problems with sleep at night is to cut down on sugar and cut out caffeine altogether. So no Coca Cola. Ever. A healthy diet plays a crucial role in sleep patterns. Also experiment with the amount of protein and dairy that you are giving your child. For some children with autism, specific diets may promote better sleep quality. You can try foods rich in tryptophan, like turkey and dairy. This can help regulate sleep cycles. When a child gets a proper nine to ten hours of sleep, it leads to improved mood and behaviour during waking hours.


  1. Nutritional Deficiencies Management


A balanced breakfast and two other healthy meals a day are recommended. Canada’s Food Guide recommends mostly plant foods (e.g., fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, soy). However, as most parents have discovered, children with autism may have selective eating habits. This discernment can lead to nutritional deficiencies. As a parent, you need to get creative with both food and its presentation. Slowly start implementing a special diet to ensure they receive essential nutrients. You want to make sure that they are receiving omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. These are crucial for brain development and overall health.


  1. Behavioural Regulation


Soda pop is one of the worst things that you can give your child. Too much juice as well. Foods that are high in carbohydrates and refined sugars can lead to spikes in energy followed by spectacular crashes. You are going to want your child’s diet to be made up of whole foods and balanced nutrition. This will help to stabilize blood sugar levels. This in turn promotes better emotional regulation. You will subsequently find fewer mood swings in your child this way.


  1. Social Interaction Improvements


If you find that your child is stand-offish, sometimes this can be a result of what they have eaten earlier in the day. Dietary changes can lead to improvements in behaviour. When they have the proper food in their bodies, many children become more open to social interactions. It has been shown that improved focus, reduced meltdowns, and enhanced mood can lead to increased willingness to engage with peers. At Monarch House, we witness firsthand how this can contribute to better social skills development.


  1. 8. Parental Peace Of Mind


It’s important to consider how a diet can affect you as well. There’s no need to feel powerless over the situation. Implementing a special diet can provide parents of children with autism with a sense of control over their child’s health and behaviour. Knowing that you are actively contributing to your child’s health, behaviour and well-being can reduce your own anxiety and stress. Altogether, this creates a more positive family environment.


You are what you eat. It has been found that while the impact of special diets can vary, many families report positive changes in behaviour with the adoption of healthy eating habits for children with autism. At Monarch House, we work closely with parents and healthcare professionals, including nutritionists and pediatricians, to ensure that any dietary changes we recommend for your child are safe and balanced. It’s a new and growing field of study. Only with ongoing research and open dialogue within the community can we refine our understanding of how nutrition can support children with autism Toronto throughout their lives.