Nine Ways To Manage Seizures In Children With Autism In Markham


Watching your child go into a seizure is a traumatizing experience for any parent. It can make you feel helpless. If you have a child with autism, there’s a fairly high chance that this will be a legitimate, ongoing concern. It’s unfortunate, but true, that seizures are more common in children with autism than in the general population. They affect up to 30% of autistic individuals. While you can’t control whether your child is prone to having a seizure, you can take an active role in preparing yourself for this eventuality. With some adjustments, insight, and a little forward planning, that awful sense of powerlessness can be replaced with assured confidence of knowing exactly what needs to be done. At Monarch House, we can help you feel equipped to tackle an emergency head-on. If you have a child with autism it’s important that you learn how to identify and deal with seizures if they do come up. There are different types. They can vary in severity and frequency. Sometimes they are hard to spot right away. As a parent, it’s important to educate yourself as much as you can about seizures and have a comprehensive management plan in place.

Below are nine effective ways to manage seizures in children with autism in Markham.


1. Get A Proper Diagnosis

At Monarch House we are vigilant about addressing seizures the moment they happen at our clinics. We know what to look for. If a child with autism experiences seizures or unusual behaviours that may resemble seizures (such as staring spells or sudden movements), we’ll let you know right away. At that point, you will want to get a comprehensive neurologist’s evaluation. One of the ways that they diagnose epilepsy is through an EEG (electroencephalogram). Brain imaging is often necessary to rule out other conditions. The neurologist can help you understand the type of seizure your child has experienced and guide you towards the appropriate treatment.


2. Follow A Medication Plan

If your child has had a seizure, they may need to go on medication to prevent it from happening again. Anti-seizure medications (antiepileptic drugs or AEDs) are often the first line of treatment. The most commonly prescribed ones include levetiracetam (Keppra), valproic acid (Depakote), and lamotrigine (Lamictal). Talk to your neurologist. They will determine the best medication and dosage. Once you have found the right fit, you will need to do regular follow-ups with your doctor to ensure the medication remains effective and side effects are properly managed.


3. Monitor And Identify Triggers

If you have a child that is prone to seizures, you are going to want to take detailed notes when they happen. We recommend keeping a seizure diary. This helps you (and us) to identify triggers. For example, some common seizure triggers amongst children with autism include:

  • Sensory overload (bright lights, loud noises)
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Missed medications
  • Dietary changes or dehydration

By recognizing these triggers, parents, caregivers, and your child’s therapists at Monarch House can take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of a seizure happening.


4. Ensure Proper Sleep

Does your child stare into the blue light far too late into the night? Do they drag their feet in the morning when it’s time for school? This is something you are going to want to nip in the bud if they have a history of seizures. Lack of sleep is a major seizure trigger. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine and a sensory-friendly sleep environment (e.g., blackout curtains, white noise machines) can help. If sleep problems persist, consulting a doctor for melatonin supplements or behavioural therapy may be necessary.


5. Consider Dietary Therapy

There is a link between what your child eats and their resistance to seizures. Before restocking your fridge, make sure you talk to a nutritionist and your family doctor about the best plan. These diets should be supervised by a healthcare professional to ensure proper nutrition.


6. Use Seizure-Alert Devices

There are apps and programs specifically designed to help individuals who experience seizures. Assistive technology has come a long way, and it is now a reliable way to enhance safety for children with seizures. For example, there are seizure-monitoring devices, such as smartwatches or bed alarms, which can detect unusual patterns of movement and quickly alert caregivers if something seems amiss. Devices such as these provide peace of mind for parents and caregivers and allow for quick intervention when a seizure happens. 


7. Create A Seizure-Safe Environment

One of the dangers of having seizures is the risk of banging your head on something when you fall down. A seizure can come out of nowhere, so it’s important to make sure that your home is safe for your child should one strike unexpectedly. Making adjustments to the home can reduce the risk of injury Here are some suggestions about how to make it more secure for your child. 

  • Put padding around any sharp furniture edges
  • Use non-slip mats in the bathroom
  • Have cushioned floor areas in various sections of your home 
  • Always closely supervise activities like swimming or climbing


8. Incorporate Stress-Reduction Techniques

Did you know that stress can trigger seizures? This is why it is important to teach your child relaxation techniques so they can keep an even keel. At Monarch House, we can help to familiarize your child with various techniques. Some of them include:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Yoga or stretching routines
  • Sensory-friendly calming spaces
  • Massage therapy

We have professional pccupational therapists on staff that can also provide sensory regulation strategies to reduce anxiety and prevent seizures.


9. Have An Emergency Plan

Seizures happen fast. If you’re not ready, they can completely blindside you, and if there isn’t a gameplan in advance, people panic. This is not ideal. It only makes a terrifying situation worse. This is why a clear seizure action plan is essential for all parents and caregivers of children with epilepsy. It should include:

  • Clear instructions for when to administer emergency medication
  • Medication in a safe and quickly accessible spot
  • A quick reference guide for when to call 911
  • Illustrated materials with steps for ensuring safety during a seizure
  • Emergency contact numbers
  • Up-to-date information for school staff, coaches, and other caregivers

It’s not a bad idea to run through a full emergency scenario as a drill now and again. It’s a good way to make sure everyone knows what to do when a seizure comes out of the blue at the worst possible time. Practicing emergency scenarios helps ensure a quick and appropriate response for your child when danger strikes. 


A seizure can be a scary experience for everyone involved. What’s even more frightening is its likelihood. If you have a child with autism, there is a 30% chance it might happen to them. So it’s important to be prepared and know what to do when it strikes. Managing seizures in children with autism in Markham requires a combination of environmental, medical, and lifestyle strategies. As opposed to waiting for the worst to happen, we find the best way to handle epileptic medical emergencies is by taking a proactive approach. For starters, make sure that your child has the right medications. Continuously monitor their triggers. Create a safe environment at home. Additionally, reduce stress as much as possible. By taking these steps you can help significantly improve your child’s quality of life and keep them safe from harm. At Monarch House we have a professional, interdisciplinary staff of occupational therapists, behavioural therapists, psychotherapists, and speech pathologists that are here to help you. We can put you in touch with medical professionals and keep you informed about the latest treatments which can further enhance seizure management.