Monarch House is here to help - explaining what happens and why - and what you can expect along the way.


It doesn't matter how much you know or what stage you're at in understanding how to best support your child. We're here, and we will help you every step of the way.


We'll begini by reviewing the basics - screening and assessment and then learning about the right support and services for your unique needs, how to start the funding process and what resources are available.


We will take this one step at a time to ensure you feel confident in your decisions, that your child feels welcome in our safe environment, and that you all receive the most professional and accommodating services we have developed as Canada's leader in behavioural therapy.


Diagnosis is not a straightforward path. Because your child is unique, symptoms are not identical, so we recommend that a full assessment is required. The earlier you seek an assessment and start services, the more successful the outcomes for you and your child.

Triggers (clues) to seek diagnosis include:

This monthly clinic is a free drop-in service for parents of children ages birth to 6 years old. Operated by a qualified team of behaviour therapists, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists, we will provide brief consultations in behaviour, speech, language,  and motor development.

The results of the screening will be discussed with parents and are meant to indicate which areas are following typical development and others which should be monitored more closely.

If you have concerns about your child’s early development, our paediatrician and psychologists can provide valuable feedback and recommendations for your child.

A timely assessment is critical because:

While the diagnosis process is straightforward in most provinces, there are alternative/private options available to speed up the wait times.

I didn’t know that there were private facilities available for our son. We could have used our insurance or paid out of our own pockets to have a private consultant come while waiting for government funding. No one really explained that to us.

Rooted firmly in the belief that no two children are identical, we remain focused on providing custom services and support for all family members.

There are also a wide variety of options and services available (specific to each province in which we operate) as a private facility that aligns seamlessly with the medical communities.

We believe there are distinct advantages to our approach.

We are experienced experts in helping parents navigate the world of treatment, funding, reviewing insurance eligibility, and the hundreds of government programs related to all of the supports and services available.

As anyone can tell you, the various provincial Health Ministries often duplicate efforts and require you to constantly explain your situation when you are shuffled from one service to the next and your background information isn’t shared between offices. We also can’t know if the professionals attending to your child would have the specific qualifications needed in your unique situation.

Once you have determined the best path forward for your child (which we take great care to explain and explore with you), you have many options for how long and often your program schedule should be - modifying it easily as you watch how your child responds and grows.

The therapist/child/family bond developed in our programs helps create a sense of familiarity and, over time, trust. We hire and retain staff based on a deep understanding of family-centric goals. We recruit the top of the class from the best schools and higher education programs across Canada. And we then look for empathetic, personable and driven individuals who believe that being different is your child’s greatest strength, which can help them adapt to a world with confidence, tools and learning more successfully.

Ongoing education is a cornerstone for our teams, and we emphasize and support advanced learning when delivering the most up-to-date science-based therapies. You can be sure that you can access the most advanced and proven service and support here at Monarch House.

Our senior psychologists, doctors and therapists also speak at conferences, sharing best practices within the behavioural sciences field. And we also are deeply engaged with the provincial medical community to help improve all public and private services. We believe that the more we can share about supporting every person who has any kind of challenge, the more the world grows to discover what we already know - that you belong.

The most effective way to get started with Monarch house is to book an appointment. We will answer your questions in terms of treatment, funding, and how to navigate the various programs available.

Every inquiry is completely confidential.

Not sure where to start?

Book an appointment

The most effective way to get started with Monarch house is to book an appointment. We will answer your questions in terms of treatment, funding, and how to navigate the various programs available.

Every inquiry is completely confidential.

Not sure where to start?

Reach out to us directly


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