Ten Strategies To Manage Sleep Difficulties In Children With Autism In Toronto

Ten Strategies To Manage Sleep Difficulties In Children With Autism In Toronto


It’s not always easy to get your child to nod off each evening. This challenge can be compounded if they have a neurodivergent disorder. Sleep disturbances are common among children with autism, affecting up to eighty percent of individuals with this condition. The difficulties can range from trouble falling asleep to waking up frequently during the night. This nocturnal restlessness not only impacts the child’s well-being but can also have an impact on the entire family’s quality of life. Fortunately, there are a variety of strategies that parents and caregivers can implement to help children with autism Toronto foster healthy sleep habits. 


Here are ten effective approaches to handle sleep disturbances in children with autism.


  1. Try To Limit Screen Time Before Bed


Switch from screens to stories right before bedtime. the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle can be interfered with by the blue light emitted by screens. Restricting screen time at least an hour before bed can help neurodivergent children (and all children, frankly) ease into sleep more easily.


  1. Promote Physical Activity Throughout The Day


Encourage your child to catch their breath at least once a day. Maintaining good fitness with regular physical activity can help regulate sleep patterns. Age-appropriate physical activities during the day can work wonders, but avoid intense exercise close to bedtime, as it can be hard to sleep with the heart rate elevated and mood stimulated.


  1. Map Out A Consistent Bedtime Routine


Knowing what is going to happen, and when, can make a big difference with sleepytime rituals. Children with autism tend to thrive on predictability and routines. Establishing a regular bedtime pattern can help signal to the child that it’s an appropriate time to gear down and start getting ready for sleep. A before-bed routine might include activities such as putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, settling in for a book, or listening to soothing music.


  1. Design A Comfortable Sleep Environment


Fuzzy blankets, soft, stuffed animals, and calming lights can make all the difference between a restless evening and a gentle sleep. Take the necessary steps to ensure that your child’s bedroom is conducive to sleep. This might mean keeping the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Some neurodivergent children can be sensitive to certain fabrics or textures, so be sure to choose sheets and pajamas and wallpaper patterns that are comfortable for them.


  1. Be Mindful Of Sensory Input


There are some excellent weighted blankets available for children with autism. Many neurodivergent children benefit from heavier, cooler bedding and other sensory input to help them relax. Some options to consider are deep pressure massage, handwoven blankets, cooling sheets, soft lights, or sensory toys designed to promote unwinding before sleep. Every child is different, so be sure to experiment with a variety of sensory strategies to see what works best for yours.


  1. Talk Through Anxiety and Stress


Having a quiet little chat with your child about how their day went right before bed can help to calm the nerves. Stress and anxiety can significantly impact sleep quality. Help them manage any jitters by walking them through calming techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation. With a soft voice, you can help to create a peaceful and soothing bedtime environment to reduce their stress levels.


  1. Regulate Diet and Nutrition


No sugar before bedtime and no fruit or juice two hours before sleep is an easy-to-remember bedtime rule. You would be amazed at how many everyday foods and beverages (such as chocolate) contain caffeine and sugar. This will interfere with sleep. As much as possible, be conscientious with your child’s diet and avoid giving them stimulating foods or drinks in the evening. Instead, gravitate towards light snacks that promote relaxation, such as warm milk or healthy soup.


  1. Utilize Visual Supports


Having a chance to see all the expectations laid out in one place can help a child process the bedtime ritual. Children with autism often benefit from visual supports to help them understand the order of events that is required of them. Consider using pictographs, flow charts, visual schedules or social stories to ready your child for bed and reinstate the importance of sleep and how it will make them feel recharged the next day.


  1. Make Use Of Professional Support


Monarch House offers many professional support services in this area. If sleep difficulties persist despite your best efforts, don’t hesitate to ask what we can do to help. We can connect you with pediatricians and sleep specialists with experience working with neurodivergent children. They can offer valuable insights and recommendations tailored to your child’s specific needs.


  1. Practice Patience and Persistence


Positive reinforcement, like a hug, a high five, a little sticker, or encouraging word can go a long way. Improving sleep habits takes time and consistency. Be patient with your child and yourself as you work together to address sleep difficulties. Celebrate small victories along the way and don’t be discouraged by setbacks.


No two children are the same, so find and refine a system that works for you. Addressing sleep difficulties in children with autism Toronto requires a holistic approach that is mindful of each child’s particular challenges and needs. By making use of these ten strategies with patience and regularity, you can help your child build healthy sleep habits and improve on their overall well-being. What works on one child won’t necessarily work on every child, so be sure to adapt these strategies to suit your young son or daughter’s personal needs and preferences, and try to have some fun with it along the way.