Nine Ways To Support Social Skill Development In Children With Autism In Toronto

Social skills are fundamental for a child’s overall development. In fact, they are one of the most important things we learn as an active member of society. We use social skills all the time, throughout our lives, to build meaningful relationships and navigate our day-to-day routines. When it comes to children with autism in Toronto, developing these skills is more challenging, but also more crucial. It is important to be mindful of any communication disorders that could be inhibitive towards shaping and refining these abilities, and working around them.

Here are nine ways that we can be cognizant and supportive of social skill development in neurodivergent children.

1. Develop An Understanding Of Communication Disorders
You are not alone. Do some research online and you will find that there is an enormous amount of useful information out there. A comprehensive understanding of the differences in learning styles of neurodivergent children will be an essential asset when tailoring an effective intervention.
2. Don’t Shy Away From Early Intervention

This is where Monarch House can really help. Early identification and intervention can help you seize a crucial window of opportunity to find the right support. Working together as a team we can start right away to identify the best ways to foster abilities such as social skill development with a customized approach.
3. Get board with Speech and Language Therapy

We can help your child get the words out. Speech and language therapy at Monarch House can be exactly what your child needs to address communication challenges such as a speech impediment, or a lack of expressivity. These behaviours can negatively impact social interactions if left untreated. So therapy can never start too soon.
4. Engage In Structured Social Programs
Sometimes some structure is exactly what a neurodivergent child needs. By implementing defined social skills programs within an educational setting, we can help your child practice and internalize key social behaviours in a safe environment. 
5. Find Inclusive Environments
Our public education system has come a long way when it comes to creating inclusive classrooms. This has benefits for all of the children in the room, and helps to foster an atmosphere of acceptance. This model reduces social barriers for children with communication disorders. Be sure to frequent other places where inclusivity is a mainstay.
6. Take A Personal Approach
Every child is different, so flexibility is important. Monarch House can help you with an individualized strategy that takes into consideration the unique needs of your child. It takes a personalized approach to foster social growth.
7. Make Use Of Assistive Technologies

There are apps, games, websites, and various tools to help teach a child with autism. For instance, here is a website devoted to helping neurodivergent children learn math, and here is one where they can learn coping strategies through play. By leveraging technology, you can empower children to communicate more effectively, at their own pace, while learning about the framework of social engagement.
8. Incorporate Peer Involvement

Social skills and making friends go hand-in-hand. Encouraging peer interactions and understanding promotes inclusivity, allowing children with communication disorders to form meaningful connections. There are social skills groups run by Monarch House that foster a strong level of peer bonding and a supportive, natural environment to practice in.
9. Seek Out Parental Support

Make sure that your child has other adults in their life to offer support beyond just you. Collaborating with other parents and staff ensures a consistent approach to reinforcing the social skills that they are learning. This will go a long way towards our skills goals. Ultimately we are looking to extend the learning and support for social skill development beyond the educational setting and into the real world. 

A holistic approach to supporting social skill development in children with autism in Toronto involves a combination of early intervention, targeted therapy, technology integration, and inclusive environments. By addressing these aspects, we contribute to creating a supportive and enriching social landscape for these children, laying the foundation for their successful integration into society.