Autism Services Waterloo, Ontario

Monarch House offers an extensive range of autism services Waterloo for children with developmental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and language disorders. Our ASD services include autism diagnostic assessments, no-cost developmental screening, parent coaching, and a variety of therapies like speech therapy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, and behaviour analysis. Monarch House Waterloo also provides mental health support, one-on-one assistance, and group programs focusing on social skills, fine and gross motor skills, vocational skills, daily living skills, and independent living. Monarch House emphasizes a family-centered approach and provides services in various settings, including home, school, and community environments.

For a full list of our autism services in Waterloo, visit Monarch House Services.

Nine Essential Services For Children With Autism In Waterloo 

At Monarch House we offer a myriad of support across multiple disciplines. This is because supporting children with autism requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. It’s important to address each child’s unique needs across multiple areas of development with the input of various professionals. 

Here are nine essential autism services Waterloo that we offer that can significantly benefit children with neurodivergence. 

  1. Occupational Therapy (OT)

We have professional OTs on staff in Waterloo that can work with your child one-on-one and in group sessions. Occupational therapy is a discipline that helps children with autism develop daily living skills. Some examples might include: social skills, fine motor skills, sensory processing, self-care routines, and more. For children who struggle with sensory sensitivities, OT can be particularly beneficial. Working with an OT they can learn to manage and adapt to a wide variety of sensory environments.

  1. Speech-Language Therapy

Do you face difficulties when trying to have a conversation with your child? Are they receptive at all? Many children with autism experience challenges in communication, whether it’s understanding language, speaking, or non-verbal communication. By helping children develop better expressive and receptive language skills, speech-language therapy at Monarch House focuses on improving these areas. Our professional therapists in Waterloo will work with you and your child on social communication, such as understanding body language and tone of voice.

  1. Social Skills Training

How is your child with other people? Do they talk to people they don’t know very well? Are they polite? Do they maintain good eye contact? Social interactions can be challenging for children with autism. Social skills training involves teaching children how to interact properly with others, read social cues, and build friendships. The service that we offer in Waterloo includes role-playing, group activities, and other exercises. This helps children work on and generalize basic social skills for real-world situations.

  1. Sensory Integration Therapy

Fingernails on a chalkboard. That’s what some loud noises can be like for children with autism. Neurodivergent children often face sensory processing issues, where they may be either overly sensitive or under-responsive to sensory input like lights, sounds, and the tactile feel of the things around them (like upholstery). We provide services in Waterloo based around sensory integration therapy. This helps children manage these sensitivities by gradually exposing them to different stimuli in a controlled and supportive environment. By doing so, we empower them to process and respond to sensory information more effectively.

  1. Special Education Services

We want to see your child thrive in school as well as at home. Our education services are specifically designed to meet the individual learning needs of your child with autism. We can help you put together an IEP. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are designed to outline specific goals and strategies to support your child’s academic and social development. Some of the requests made in the IEP may include specialized instruction, accommodations, and modifications within the classroom setting. 

*You do these right? I see them a lot in other literature but nothing specifically about them on your website. 

  1. Early Intervention Programs

At Monarch House we offer a no-cost developmental screening as well as full autism assessments for your child. These programs focus on exploring development in areas such as communication, social skills, and adaptive behaviour. Early intervention is crucial for children with autism, as it can significantly improve developmental outcomes. Early intervention services often include a combination of therapies, such as ABA, OT, and speech therapy, delivered in tandem. 

  1. Parent Coaching 

What about your child’s siblings? What about their grandparents? What about YOU? The impact of autism extends beyond the individual child and affects the entire family. One of our services is parent coaching. We make sure that we offer services for parents and siblings (and even grandparents). We help to equip you and the whole family with the tools and resources you need to understand autism, cope with challenges, and create a supportive home environment. Part of this service may include parent training, support groups, and individual or family counseling.

  1. Social Skills Training 

Does your child navigate other people well? Do they have good manners? Do they maintain eye contact? We use role play and social scenarios to help children with autism develop social skills. We work with your child in groups as well as one-on-one with an occupational therapist to ensure that they are comfortable and proficient around other humans. 

  1. Daily Living Skills 

Can you child tie their own shoelaces? Can they make themselves something to eat in the kitchen? How is their toilet training going? One of the services we offer is daily living skills. Working with an occupational therapist we help your child with autism can learn the basics of of self care and how to fend for themselves (so to speak) independently. 


In our Waterloo location the autism services we offer are all part of what we consider a comprehensive care plan for children with autism. When provided in a coordinated and individualized manner, each of our services can help children with autism reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. So don’t delay. Early and readily available access to these Waterloo autism services can make a huge difference in the developmental trajectory of your child. These services help to offer them the tools and support they need to thrive.